Configure Remote Private Access with Azure container instances

In this topic, you will learn how to configure the Portnox™ Remote Private Access (RPA) service to allow your users to access your private web applications hosted in Microsoft Azure and accessible within an Azure private network, by using a Docker container in an Azure container instance.

In this scenario:

  • You want your on-premises and remote users to be able to access private web applications that are hosted in Azure.

  • You need to host a Portnox Docker container in Azure, for example, in Azure container instances, and in the same Azure local network as the hosted web applications.

We assume that you have already configured Azure and that another container instance runs a web application, accessible via HTTP within your Azure local network.

We also assume that you already installed and enrolled AgentP on your client devices.

Set up the Remote Private Access gateway in Portnox Cloud

In this section, you will set up a Remote Private Access gateway in Portnox Cloud, create a container instance in Azure, and run the Portnox Remote Private Access Docker container.

  1. In the top menu of Portnox Cloud, select the Remote Private Access option. Then, on the Remote Private Access screen, click on the + Create button and select the Create gateway option.

  2. In the Gateway details step, enter a name for this gateway in the Gateway Name field, and in the Gateway Region field, select either US Node or EU Node. Then, click on the Create and view details button.

  3. In the Provision container step, click on the Copy command link under the displayed Docker command to copy the command to the clipboard.

  4. Create an Azure container instance:
    1. In the Azure portal, in the top-bar search field, type: container instances and then click on the Container instances entry below.

    2. On the Container instances pane, click on the Create button to create a new container instance.

    3. On the Create container instance pane, select and enter your details as required, and in the Image source field, select the Other registry option.

    4. In the Image type field, select the Private option, in the Image field, type portnox/portnox-private-access:latest, in the Image registry login server, type, and in the Image registry user name and Image registry password fields, type your credentials for a free Docker Hub account.
      Note: You can also select a Public registry, but Docker Hub has introduced a pull rate limit on Docker images, which may impact the creation of your container instance if not using a Docker Hub account.

    5. In the Networking tab, select the existing virtual network.
      Important: Make sure to select the same virtual network that you use to host your web application. This is necessary so that the Docker image and the web application can communicate within the local network.
    6. In the Advanced tab, in the Environment variables section, add the following environment variables:
      APIUSER The value in the Docker command after the APIUSER= string (see previous step)
      APIKEY The value copied from the API token section in Portnox Cloud by clicking the  ⧉  icon.
      GWID The value in the Docker command after the GWID= string

      For example:

      Docker command:

      Environment variables:

    7. In the Review + create tab, click on the Create button to create the container instance.

Set up the Remote Private Access application in Portnox Cloud

In this section, you will set up a Remote Private Access application in Portnox Cloud and configure it to access your private web application hosted in the same local network as the Docker container.

  1. In the top menu of Portnox Cloud, select the Remote Private Access option. Then, on the Remote Private Access screen, click on the + Create button and select the Create application option.

  2. On the Application details screen, enter a name for the application in the Application Name field, and in the Gateway field, select the gateway that you have just created.
    Note: The Application Name must be a valid subdomain name, because the URL will be constructed using this name. You should only use lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens.

    Result: If you want to use the Portnox URL, you can copy the URL for your application by clicking on the  ⧉  icon.

  3. Optional: If you want to use a URL in your own domain for the application:
    1. Activate the Use a custom URL linked to an SSL certificate checkbox.

    2. In the Upload SSL certificate section, click on the Select file button, and upload the certificate and private key for the custom URL (in the PKCS #12 format). Then, enter the password for the private key in the Certificate password field, and click on the Apply certificate button.

      Note: You must acquire the specific subdomain certificate from the relevant certificate authority, or you can use a wildcard certificate for all your subdomains.
    3. Verify the details displayed for the certificate.

    4. If you are using a certificate with multiple domains/subdomains or a wildcard certificate, in the Domain field, select the relevant domain for your application’s URL, and in the Suffix field (if active – only for wildcard certificates), enter the subdomain.

      In this example, your application’s URL will be:

    1. In your DNS server, add a canonical name record for your application’s URL.

      For example, in the BIND server, enter the following record: IN CNAME
  4. In the IP, port and protocol section, enter the details of the hosted web application in the IP Address, Port, and Protocol fields.
    Note: Use the IP address and port configured in your Azure instance that hosts your application. Ensure that the Docker container and the web application instance use the same Azure virtual network.

  5. Optional: In the Policy assignments section, change the setting to Application-based and then select an access control policy and a risk assessment policy if you want to control access to this application without using groups.
  6. Click on the Save button to save your configuration.

Result: Your users can now access your private web application by typing the URL in their browser.