How to troubleshoot the local RADIUS instance using SSH

In this topic, you will learn how to troubleshoot problems with the operation of the local RADIUS instance in a virtual machine by using the PuTTY application, the SSH protocol, and Linux shell commands.

Note: This procedure applies only to local RADIUS running on a virtual machine, not in a container. It is not possible to SSH into a container. If you use a Docker container, SSH to the Docker host, and run the docker attach command to connect the container’s standard output to the host. Alternatively, you can use the docker exec command to execute commands within a given docker container.

The local RADIUS runs on Linux, so you can use base Linux shell commands to troubleshoot it. For more information about local RADIUS, see the following topic: How do local RADIUS servers work?.

To troubleshoot using SSH, you must first configure the local RADIUS instance to work with SSH, and then connect via SSH to the local RADIUS machine, for example, using the PuTTY application (for Windows). For more information about this, see the following topic: Configure local RADIUS for SSH access.

To troubleshoot, you can use the following commands:

  • $ top: Shows CPU and memory usage refreshed in real-time.

  • $ tail -f /var/log/messages: Shows syslog in real-time.

  • $ cat /var/log/messages | less: Shows the entire syslog with the ability to scroll through it.

You can also view the temporary log file located in the following location: /mnt/sda1/tce/portnox/log. However, this log file rarely contains useful troubleshooting information.

To increase the level of detail shown in the logs, you can run the local RADIUS instance in debug mode:

  • $ sudo killall radiusd || sudo radiusd -X
  • $ sudo killall portnoxRadDaemon || sudo portnoxRadDaemon -d